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HD 11925




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Mean positions and proper motions of 224 stars based on PZT observations at Ondrejov in 1973-1986
An improvement of the positions and proper motions for the Ondrejov PZTstar list based on observations of 224 stars in the period 1973-1986 ispresented. The mean epoch of the PZT 86 catalogue is found to be 1981.56with a standard error in right ascension equal to + or - 0.0015 s/ andin delination equal to + or - 0.017 arcsec. The proper motions in rightascension and declination were obtained with an accuracy characterizedby the average standard errors of + or - 0.051 s/cy and + or - 0.57arcsec/cy, respectively. The PZT 86 catalogue is compared with theprevious PZT (1978 and 1983) catalogues, and with the AGK 3 (Dieckvoss,1975) catalogue.

Mean positions and proper motions of 305 stars obtained from the combination of PZT observations at Ondrejov with AGK positions
Observations of 305 stars carried out at the Ondrejov Observatory in theperiod 1973-1983 were compared to the positions of the same stars in theAGK 2 and AGK 3 catalogs in order to obtain their mean positions andproper motions. The observations were performed in the course of 1140nights using the PZT telescope and comprise more than 32 thousand startransits. The average mean errors in the right ascension and declinationof a star that was observed thoughout the whole period were + or -0.0019 s and + or - 0.019 arcsec in the epoch around 1979. It ispredicted that the errors will increase + or - 0.0055 sec and + or -0.059 arcsec in the year 2000. A table listing the errors in the rightascension and declination is provided.

Photoelectric photometry of selected SAO stars. III
Photometric observations of 131 SAO stars for use in calibrating dataobtained from the Near Infrared Photographic Sky Survey (NIPSS) arereported. The serial numbers of the primary NIPSS program fields inwhich the photometry was done are shown along with the approximateposition of each field and the number of stars observed in each field.The observations are listed, showing the SAO numbers of the programstars, their 1950 equatorial coordinates, the V magnitudes, and the(V-R) and (V-I) color indices. The mean errors in magnitudes and colorindices obtained by averaging deviations from the mean for each star areon the order of 0.02 mag.

The determination of mean positions and proper motions of 304 stars from PZT observations at Ondrejov
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距离:235.849 天文距离
B-T magnitude:8.975
V-T magnitude:8.828

适当名称   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 11925
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 3288-891-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1350-01848347

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