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HD 233622



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Present-Day Star Formation at High Galactic Altitude: The Tidal Encounter Paradigm
The Galaxy harbors a population of high Galactic altitude clouds (HGACs)which are, in some cases, similar to those in the disk. About 3% of openclusters younger than 100 Myr are located at least 200 pc away from thedisk; in the outer Galaxy, some embedded clusters are found at 500 pc.But, by what mechanism could star clusters form far from the regions inwhich the usual driving forces of triggered star formation can actefficiently? In this Letter we investigate whether passing preexistingstar clusters can induce tidal forces able to trigger star formation inHGACs. The interaction is studied using the impulse approximation andresults are compared with available evidence. Our analytical estimateindicates that this mechanism is able to induce star formation ifpassing clusters are massive enough, i.e., globular clusters. Theexpected number of interactions appears to be consistent with theobserved star formation rate at high Galactic altitude.

The Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer Survey of O VI Absorption in the Disk of the Milky Way
To probe the distribution and physical characteristics of interstellargas at temperatures T~3×105 K in the disk of the MilkyWay, we have used the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) toobserve absorption lines of O VI λ1032 toward 148 early-typestars situated at distances >1 kpc. After subtracting off a mildexcess of O VI arising from the Local Bubble, combining our new resultswith earlier surveys of O VI, and eliminating stars that showconspicuous localized X-ray emission, we find an average O VI midplanedensity n0=1.3×10-8 cm-3. Thedensity decreases away from the plane of the Galaxy in a way that isconsistent with an exponential scale height of 3.2 kpc at negativelatitudes or 4.6 kpc at positive latitudes. Average volume densities ofO VI along different sight lines exhibit a dispersion of about 0.26 dex,irrespective of the distances to the target stars. This indicates that OVI does not arise in randomly situated clouds of a fixed size anddensity, but instead is distributed in regions that have a very broadrange of column densities, with the more strongly absorbing cloudshaving a lower space density. Line widths and centroid velocities aremuch larger than those expected from differential Galactic rotation, butthey are nevertheless correlated with distance and N(O VI), whichreinforces our picture of a diverse population of hot plasma regionsthat are ubiquitous over the entire Galactic disk. The velocity extremesof the O VI profiles show a loose correlation with those of very stronglines of less ionized species, supporting a picture of a turbulent,multiphase medium churned by shock-heated gas from multiple supernovaexplosions.

Cepheid Masses: FUSE Observations of S Muscae
S Mus is the Cepheid with the hottest known companion. The largeultraviolet flux means that it is the only Cepheid companion for whichthe velocity amplitude could be measured with the echelle mode of theHST GHRS. Unfortunately, the high temperature is difficult to constrainat wavelengths longer than 1200 Å because of the degeneracybetween temperature and reddening. We have obtained a FUSE spectrum inorder to improve the determination of the temperature of the companion.Two regions that are temperature sensitive near 16,000 K but relativelyunaffected by H2 absorption (940 Å and the Lyβwings) have been identified. By comparing FUSE spectra of S Mus B withspectra of standard stars, we have determined a temperature of17,000+/-500 K. The resulting Cepheid mass is 6.0+/-0.4Msolar. This mass is consistent with main-sequenceevolutionary tracks with a moderate amount of convective overshoot.Based on observations made with the NASA-CNES-CSA Far UltravioletSpectroscopic Explorer satellite. FUSE is operated for NASA by JohnsHopkins University, under NASA contract NAS5-32985.

C II Radiative Cooling of the Diffuse Gas in the Milky Way
The heating and cooling of the interstellar medium (ISM) allow the gasin the ISM to coexist at very different temperatures in thermal pressureequilibrium. The rate at which the gas cools or heats is therefore afundamental ingredient for any theory of the ISM. The heating cannot bedirectly determined, but the cooling can be inferred from observationsof .CII*, which is an important coolant in differentenvironments. The amount of cooling can be measured through either theintensity of the 157.7 μm [C II] emission line or the CII*absorption lines at 1037.018 and 1335.708 Å, observable with theFar Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer and the Space Telescope ImagingSpectrograph on board the Hubble Space Telescope, respectively. Wepresent the results of a survey of these far-UV absorption lines in 43objects situated at |b|>~30deg. Measured column densitiesof CII*, S II, P II, and Fe II are combined with H I 21 cmemission measurements to derive the cooling rates (per H atom using H Iand per nucleon using S II) and to analyze the ionization structure,depletion, and metallicity content of the low-, intermediate-, andhigh-velocity clouds (LVCs, IVCs, and HVCs) along the different sightlines. Based on the depletion and the ionization structure, the LVCs,IVCs, and HVCs consist mostly of warm neutral and ionized clouds. Forthe LVCs, the mean cooling rate in ergs s-1 per H atom is-25.70+0.19-0.36 dex (1 σ dispersion). Witha smaller sample and a bias toward high H I column density, the coolingrate per nucleon is similar. The corresponding total Galactic C IIluminosity in the 157.7 μm emission line isL~2.6×107 Lsolar. CombiningN(CII*) with the intensity of Hα emission, we derivethat ~50% of the CII* radiative cooling comes from the warmionized medium (WIM). The large dispersion in the cooling rates iscertainly due to a combination of differences in the ionizationfraction, in the dust-to-gas fraction, and physical conditions betweensight lines. For the IVC Intermediate-Velocity (IV) Arch at z~1 kpc wefind that on average the cooling is a factor of 2 lower than in the LVCsthat probe gas at lower z. For an HVC (complex C, at z>6 kpc) we findthe much lower rate of -26.99+0.21-0.53 dex,similar to the rates observed in a sample of damped Lyα absorbersystems (DLAs). The fact that in the Milky Way a substantial fraction ofthe C II cooling comes from the WIM implies that this is probably alsotrue in the DLAs. We also derive the electron density, assuming atypical temperature of the warm gas of 6000 K: for the LVCs,=0.08+/-0.04 cm-3, and for the IV Arch,=0.03+/-0.01 cm-3 (1 σdispersion). Finally, we measured the column densities N(S II) and N(PII) in many sight lines and confirm that sulphur appears undepleted inthe ISM. Phosphorus becomes progressively more deficient whenlogN(HI)>19.7 dex, which can mean that either P becomes more depletedinto dust as more neutral gas is present or P is always depleted byabout -0.3 dex, but the higher value of P II at lower H I column densityindicates the need for an ionization correction.

The Origins and Evolutionary Status of B Stars Found Far from the Galactic Plane. I. Composition and Spectral Features
The existence of faint blue stars far above the Galactic plane that havespectra that are similar to nearby Population I B stars presents severalinteresting questions. Among them are the following: Can a Population IB star travel from the disk to a position many kiloparsecs above theplane in a relatively short main-sequence lifetime? Is it possible thatsingle massive star formation is occurring far from the Galactic plane?Are these objects something else masquerading as main-sequence B stars?This paper (the first of two) analyzes the abundances of a sample ofthese stars and reveals several that are chemically similar to nearbyPopulation I B stars, whereas others clearly have abundance patternsmore like those expected in blue horizontal-branch (BHB) orpost-asymptotic giant branch stars. Several of those with old evolvedstar abundances also have interesting features of note in their spectra.We also consider why this sample does not have any classical Be starsand identify at least two nearby solar-metallicity BHB stars.Based on observations made at the 2.1 m Otto Struve Telescope ofMcDonald Observatory operated by the University of Texas at Austin.

Rotation Velocities of Red and Blue Field Horizontal-Branch Stars
We present measurements of the projected stellar rotation velocities(vsini) of a sample of 45 candidate field horizontal-branch (HB) starsspanning a wide range of effective temperatures, from red HB stars withTeff~=5000K to blue HB stars with Teff of 17,000K.Among the cooler blue HB stars (Teff=7500-11500 K), weconfirm prior studies showing that, although a majority of stars rotateat vsini<15kms-1, there exists a subset of ``fastrotators'' with vsini as high as 30-35 km s-1. All but one ofthe red HB stars in our sample have vsini<10kms-1, and noanalogous rotation bimodality is evident. We also identify anarrow-lined hot star (Teff~=16,000K) with enhancedphotospheric metal abundances and helium depletion, similar to theabundance patterns found among hot BHB stars in globular clusters, andfour other stars that may also belong in this category. We discussdetails of the spectral line fitting procedure that we use to deducevsini and explore how measurements of field HB star rotation may shedlight on the issue of HB star rotation in globular clusters.

Highly Ionized Gas in the Galactic Halo: A FUSE Survey of O VI Absorption toward 22 Halo Stars
Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) spectra of 22 Galactichalo stars are studied to determine the amount of O VI in the Galactichalo between ~0.3 and ~10 kpc from the Galactic midplane. Strong O VIλ1031.93 absorption was detected toward 21 stars, and a reliable3 σ upper limit was obtained toward HD 97991. The weaker member ofthe O VI doublet at 1037.62 Å could be studied toward only sixstars because of stellar and interstellar blending problems. Themeasured logarithmic total column densities vary from 13.65 to 14.57with =14.17+/-0.28 (1 σ). The observed columns arereasonably consistent with a patchy exponential O VI distribution with amidplane density of 1.7×10-8 cm-3 and scaleheight between 2.3 and 4 kpc. We do not see clear signs of stronghigh-velocity components in O VI absorption along the Galactic sightlines, which indicates the general absence of high-velocity O VI within2-5 kpc of the Galactic midplane. This result is in marked contrast tothe findings of Sembach et al., who reported high-velocity O VIabsorption toward ~60% of the complete halo sight lines observed byFUSE. The line centroid velocities of the O VI absorption do not reflectGalactic rotation well. The O VI velocity dispersions range from 33 to78 km s-1, with an average of =45+/-11 kms-1 (1 σ). These values are much higher than the valueof ~18 km s-1 expected from thermal broadening for gas atT~3×105 K, the temperature at which O VI is expected toreach its peak abundance in collisional ionization equilibrium.Turbulence, inflow, and outflow must have an effect on the shape of theO VI profiles. Kinematical comparisons of O VI with Ar I reveal thateight of 21 sight lines are closely aligned in LSR velocity(|ΔVLSR|<=5 km s-1), while nine of 21exhibit significant velocity differences(|ΔVLSR|>=15 km s-1). This dual behaviormay indicate the presence of two different types of O VI-bearingenvironments toward the Galactic sight lines. The correlation betweenthe H I and O VI intermediate-velocity absorption is poor. We couldidentify the known H I intermediate-velocity components in the Ar Iabsorption but not in the O VI absorption in most cases. Comparison of OVI with other highly ionized species suggests that the high ions areproduced primarily by cooling hot gas in the Galactic fountain flow andthat turbulent mixing also has a significant contribution. The role ofturbulent mixing varies from negligible to dominant. It is mostimportant toward sight lines that sample supernova remnants like Loops Iand IV. The average N(C IV)/N(O VI) ratios for the nearby halo (thiswork) and complete halo (Savage et al.) are similar (~0.6), but thedispersion is larger in the sample of nearby halo sight lines. We areable to show that the O VI enhancement toward the Galactic center regionthat was observed in the FUSE survey of complete halo sight lines(Savage et al.) is likely associated with processes occurring near theGalactic center by comparing the observations toward the nearby HD177566 sight line to those toward extragalactic targets.

An Atlas of Galactic OB Spectra Observed with the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer
An atlas of far-ultraviolet spectra of 45 Galactic OB stars observedwith the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer is presented. The atlascovers the wavelength region between 912 and 1185 Å with aneffective spectral resolution of 0.12 Å. Systematic trends in themorphology and strength of stellar features are discussed. Particularattention is drawn to the variations of the C III λ1176, S IVλλ1063, 1073, and P V λλ1118, 1128 lineprofiles as a function of temperature and luminosity class; and the lackof a luminosity dependence associated with O VI λλ1032,1038. Numerous interstellar lines are also identified. Based onobservations made with the NASA-CNES-CSA Far Ultraviolet SpectroscopicExplorer. FUSE is operated for NASA by the Johns Hopkins Universityunder NASA contract NAS5-32985.

A New Measurement of the Average Far-Ultraviolet Extinction Curve
We have measured the extinction curve in the far-ultraviolet wavelengthregion of (900-1200 Å) using spectra obtained with the BerkeleyEUV/FUV spectrometer during the ORFEUS I and the ORFEUS II (Orbiting andRetrievable Far and Extreme Ultraviolet Spectrometer) missions in 1993and 1996. From the complete sample of early-type stars observed duringthese missions, we have selected pairs of stars with the same spectraltype but different reddenings to measure the differential FUVextinction. We model the effects of molecular hydrogen absorption andexclude affected regions of the spectrum to determine the extinctionfrom dust alone. We minimize errors from inaccuracies in the catalogedspectral types of the stars by making our own determinations of spectraltypes based on their IUE spectra. We find substantial scatter in thecurves of individual star pairs and present a detailed examination ofthe uncertainties and their effects on each extinction curve. We findthat, given the potentially large uncertainties inherent in using thepair method at FUV wavelengths, a careful analysis of measurementuncertainties is critical to assessing the true dust extinction. Wepresent a new measurement of the average far-ultraviolet extinctioncurve to the Lyman limit; our new measurement is consistent with anextrapolation of the standard extinction curve of Savage & Mathis.

IUE Absorption-Line Observations of the Moderately and Highly Ionized Interstellar Medium toward 164 Early-Type Stars
We present measurements of Galactic interstellar Al III, Si IV, and C IVabsorption recorded in high-resolution archival ultraviolet spectra of164 hot early-type stars observed by the International UltravioletExplorer (IUE) satellite. The objects studied were drawn from the listof hot stars scheduled to be observed with the Far UltravioletSpectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) satellite as part of observing programsdesigned to investigate absorption by O VI in the Galactic disk andhalo. Multiple IUE echelle-mode integrations have been combined toproduce a single ultraviolet (1150-1900 Å) spectrum of each starwith a spectral resolution of ~25 km s-1 (FWHM). Selectedabsorption-line profiles are presented for each star along with plots ofthe apparent column density per unit velocity for each line of the AlIII, Si IV, and C IV doublets. We report absorption-line equivalentwidths, absorption velocities, and integrated column densities based onthe apparent optical depth method of examining interstellar absorptionlines. We also determine column densities and Doppler parameters fromsingle-component curve-of-growth analyses. The scientific analysis ofthese observations will be undertaken after the FUSE satellite producessimilar measurements for absorption by interstellar O IV, Fe III, S III,and other ions. Based on archival data from observations obtained withthe International Ultraviolet Explorer (IUE) satellite sponsored byNASA, SERC, and ESA.

Distances and Metallicities of High- and Intermediate-Velocity Clouds
A table is presented that summarizes published absorption linemeasurements for the high- and intermediate-velocity clouds (HVCs andIVCs). New values are derived for N(H I) in the direction of observedprobes, in order to arrive at reliable abundances and abundance limits(the H I data are described in Paper II). Distances to stellar probesare revisited and calculated consistently, in order to derive distancebrackets or limits for many of the clouds, taking care to properlyinterpret nondetections. The main conclusions are the following. (1)Absolute abundances have been measured using lines of S II, N I, and OI, with the following resulting values: ~0.1 solar for one HVC (complexC), ~0.3 solar for the Magellanic Stream, ~0.5 solar for a southern IVC,and ~solar for two northern IVCs (the IV Arch and LLIV Arch). Finally,approximate values in the range 0.5-2 solar are found for three moreIVCs. (2) Depletion patterns in IVCs are like those in warm disk or halogas. (3) Most distance limits are based on strong UV lines of C II, SiII, and Mg II, a few on Ca II. Distance limits for major HVCs aregreater than 5 kpc, while distance brackets for several IVCs are in therange 0.5-2 kpc. (4) Mass limits for major IVCs are0.5-8×105 Msolar, but for major HVCs theyare more than 106 Msolar. (5) The Ca II/H I ratiovaries by up to a factor 2-5 within a single cloud, somewhat morebetween clouds. (6) The Na I/H I ratio varies by a factor of more than10 within a cloud, and even more between clouds. Thus, Ca II can beuseful for determining both lower and upper distance limits, but Na Ionly yields upper limits.

Optical and HI studies of high- and intermediate-velocity gas towards Complex A
We present high-resolution optical and 21-cm Hi spectra of sevenearly-type stellar sightlines towards the high-velocity cloud Complex A,at distances of up to 4.6 kpc from the Galactic plane. We do notoptically detect the -160 kms^-1 interstellar gas associated withComplex A, and so are unable to establish limits on its distance.However, we do detect gas associated with the Low Latitude IntermediateVelocity Arch, placing it at z<0.9kpc, and also establish distancelimits (z<=1.2-3.3kpc) on several other intermediate- andhigh-velocity clouds in this region that have not been cataloguedpreviously.

Coronal Gas in the Halo. II. ORFEUS Observations of Galactic Halo Stars
Abstract image available at:

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Interstellar titanium in the galactic halo
We present observations of Ti II lambda 3384 absorption toward 15distant stars in the Galactic halo and the Magellanic Clouds. These newdata extend existing surveys of the distribution of Ti(+) to largerdistances from the plane of the Galaxy than sampled previously, allowingthe scale height of titaniumn to be determined for the first time. Wefind hTi(+ = 1.5 +/- 0.2 kpc, a value which although greaterthan those of other tracers of neutral gas, is not as large as had beensuspected. We interpret the extended distribution of Ti(+) as anindication that its severe depletion in interstellar clouds in the diskis reduced at the lower densities prevailing in the halo. The data areconsistent with a simple power-law dependence of the Ti abundance on theambient density, with exponent k approximately = -1. If the model iscorrect, it implies that refractory elements like Ti are fully returnedto the gas phase at distances beyond approximately 1 kpc from the planeof the Galaxy.

Ultraviolet and radio observations of Milky Way halo gas
Interstellar-absorption-line and 21-cm emission-line data for sightlines to 56 stars are combined in order to study the kinematics andspatial distribution of the gas that is at great distances from theGalactic plane. Measurements of the interstellar velocities and H Icolumn densities from the 21-cm emission and Ly-alpha absorption areincluded. The problem of contamination of the interstellar Ly-alphaabsorption line by stellar Ly-alpha absorption is analyzed, and thisinformation is used to reevaluate the vertical distribution of H I. Anew method for determining lower limits on the vertical distribution ofgas by including information on the velocity structure in the gas ispresented. The data for individual sight lines are discussed.

The kinematics of Milky Way halo gas. I - Observations of low-ionization species
Ultraviolet interstellar line day observed with the IUE toward 70 halostars and four extragalactic sight lines are analyzed in a study of thelarge-scale kinematic properties of the Milky Way halo gas. The motionsof the low-ionization gas is focused on. Large systematic velocities arefound, and a pronounced asymmetry in the absorption characteristics ofhalo gas toward the Galactic poles is indicated. In the north,substantial amounts of material are falling toward the disk atvelocities up to about 120 km/s in the most extreme case. Toward thesouth, low-ionization material shows no extreme or systematic motions.

High-resolution spectroscopy and direct imaging of the dwarf galaxy I ZW 18
Observations of the velocity profile of H-alpha emission in I Zw 18suggest that the ionized gas may form an incomplete shell, ring, ordouble structure several arcsec across. Several faint continuum objectsare noted along a line extending 1.5 arcsec northwest of the brightcondensations in I Zw 18. Results are presented for the effect ofGalactic interstellar Na I 5890-A absorption on the redshifted He I5876-A emission from I Zw 18. A helium abundance of about 0.234 + or -0.016 is implied for this object.

Four-colour and H-beta photometry of blue stars selected from a balloon-ultraviolet survey and other sources
New uvby and/or H-beta photometry is obtained at the Chiranhigh-altitude outstation for 105 stars. Certain of the program stars areselected from a comparison of the SCAP 2000 balloon-ultraviolet skysurvey of the Laboratoire d'Astronomie Spatiale with the correspondingblue and red prints of the Palomar Observatory sky survey. Only a smallportion of these stars turn out to be B stars, whereas, the rest of thestars, which are selected from a variety of other sources, are mostly Bstars and if of normal luminosity are in many cases many Population Iscale heights from the galactic plane. It is shown that theidentification of B stars is practicable only at a good observing siteand that if H-beta photometry is also obtained, sdOB, sdB, and hothorizontal branch B stars can be distinguished from normal stars bytheir position in the beta/c(0) diagram.

A catalog of selected compact radio sources for the construction of an extragalactic radio/optical reference frame
A catalog of 234 strong compact extragalactic radio sources that displayoptical counterparts is presented. This catalog identifies proposedsources for establishing an almost inertial reference frame againstwhich the motions of the earth, solar system, galactic objects, andspacecraft may be measured. This catalog also defines those sources forwhich precise optical positions should be determined in order to relatethis reference frame with the optical FK 5 fundamental system. Theaccuracy of the radio source positions of these sources is not greaterthan 0.1 arcsec with the majority not greater than 0.01 arcsec. Furtherrefinement to not greater than 0.005 arcsec by future observations isexpected soon.

List of 333 variable, microvariable or suspected variable stars detected in the Geneva photometry
A list is presented of 333 stars, excluded from the GCVS and itssupplements, whose probability of variability ranges from high tocertain. The standard deviations observed in the V magnitude togetherwith the known spectral types, however, only allow speculation as to thetype of variable in question pending supplementary observations whichreveal the individual characteristics of these stars.

Gaps in the blue horizontal branch.
Abstract image available at:

The Nature of Faint Blue Stars in the Halo. II
Abstract image available at:

Horizontal-Branch Stars and Interstellar Lines at High Latitude
Abstract image available at:

Mean absolute magnitude of the blue stars at high galactic latitude.
Abstract image available at:

A search for blue stars in high galactic latitudes.
Abstract image available at:

Studies of Faint B-Type Stars.
Abstract image available at:

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Observation and Astrometry data

Constellation:Ursa Major
Right ascension:09h21m33.60s
Apparent magnitude:9.894
Proper motion RA:3.1
Proper motion Dec:-8.4
B-T magnitude:9.715
V-T magnitude:9.88

Catalogs and designations:
Proper Names   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 233622
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 3431-674-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1350-07578202
HIPHIP 45904

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