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HD 185622



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Dynamical Mass Estimates for Five Young Massive Stellar Clusters
We have obtained high-dispersion spectra for four massive star clustersin the dwarf irregular galaxies NGC 4214 and NGC 4449, using the HIRESspectrograph on the Keck I telescope. Combining the velocity dispersionsof the clusters with structural parameters and photometry from imagestaken with the Hubble Space Telescope, we estimate mass-to-light (M/L)ratios and compare these with simple stellar population models in orderto constrain the stellar mass functions (MFs) of the clusters. For allclusters we find M/L values that are similar to or slightly higher thanfor a Kroupa MF and thereby rule out any MF that is deficient inlow-mass stars compared with a Kroupa-type MF. The four clusters havevirial masses ranging between 2.1×105 and1.5×106Msolar, half-light radii between 3.0and 5.2 pc, estimated core densities in the range 2×103to 2×105Msolarpc-3, and agesbetween 200 and 800 Myr. We also present new high-dispersionnear-infrared spectroscopy for a luminous young (~15 Myr) cluster in thenearby spiral galaxy NGC 6946, which we have previously observed withHIRES. The new measurements in the infrared agree well with previousestimates of the velocity dispersion for this cluster, yielding a massof about 1.7×106Msolar. Including animproved estimate of the reddening toward this cluster, the new datayield an M/L in excellent agreement with a Kroupa-type MF also for thiscluster. The properties of the clusters studied here are all consistentwith the clusters being young versions of the old globular clustersfound around all major galaxies.Based on data obtained at the W. M. Keck Observatory, which is operatedas a scientific partnership among the California Institute ofTechnology, the University of California, and the National Aeronauticsand Space Administration. Also based on observations with the HubbleSpace Telescope, obtained at the Space Telescope Science Institute,which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research inAstronomy, Inc., under NASA contract NAS5-26555.

Kinematic Masses of Super-Star Clusters in M82 from High-Resolution Near-Infrared Spectroscopy
Using high-resolution (R~22,000) near-infrared (1.51-1.75 μm) spectrafrom Keck Observatory, we measure the kinematic masses of two super-starclusters in M82. Cross-correlation of the spectra with template spectraof cool evolved stars gives stellar velocity dispersions ofσr=15.9+/-0.8 km s-1 for J0955505+694045(MGG-9) and σr=11.4+/-0.8 km s-1 forJ0955502+694045 (MGG-11). The cluster spectra are dominated by the lightof red supergiants and correlate most closely with template supergiantsof spectral types M0 and M4.5. King model fits to the observed profilesof the clusters in archival Hubble Space Telescope/Near-Infrared Cameraand Multi-Object Spectometer images give half-light radii ofrhp=2.6+/-0.4 pc for MGG-9 and rhp=1.2+/-0.17 pcfor MGG-11. Applying the virial theorem, we determine masses of1.5+/-0.3×106 Msolar for MGG-9 and3.5+/-0.7×105 Msolar for MGG-11 (where thequoted errors include σr, rhp, and thedistance). Population synthesis modeling suggests that MGG-9 isconsistent with a standard initial mass function (IMF), whereas MGG-11appears to be deficient in low-mass stars relative to a standard IMF.There is, however, evidence of mass segregation in the clusters, inwhich case the virial mass estimates would represent lower limits.Based on observations made at the W. M. Keck Observatory, which isoperated as a scientific partnership among the California Institute ofTechnology, the University of California, and the National Aeronauticsand Space Administration. The Observatory was made possible by thegenerous financial support of the W. M. Keck Foundation.

Hipparcos red stars in the HpV_T2 and V I_C systems
For Hipparcos M, S, and C spectral type stars, we provide calibratedinstantaneous (epoch) Cousins V - I color indices using newly derivedHpV_T2 photometry. Three new sets of ground-based Cousins V I data havebeen obtained for more than 170 carbon and red M giants. These datasetsin combination with the published sources of V I photometry served toobtain the calibration curves linking Hipparcos/Tycho Hp-V_T2 with theCousins V - I index. In total, 321 carbon stars and 4464 M- and S-typestars have new V - I indices. The standard error of the mean V - I isabout 0.1 mag or better down to Hp~9 although it deteriorates rapidly atfainter magnitudes. These V - I indices can be used to verify thepublished Hipparcos V - I color indices. Thus, we have identified ahandful of new cases where, instead of the real target, a random fieldstar has been observed. A considerable fraction of the DMSA/C and DMSA/Vsolutions for red stars appear not to be warranted. Most likely suchspurious solutions may originate from usage of a heavily biased color inthe astrometric processing.Based on observations from the Hipparcos astrometric satellite operatedby the European Space Agency (ESA 1997).}\fnmsep\thanks{Table 7 is onlyavailable in electronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp tocdsarc.u-strasbg.fr ( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?J/A+A/397/997

The ISO-SWS post-helium atlas of near-infrared stellar spectra
We present an atlas of near-infrared spectra (2.36 mu m-4.1 mu m) of ~300 stars at moderate resolution (lambda /delta lambda ~ 1500-2000). Thespectra were recorded using the Short-Wavelength Spectrometer aboard theInfrared Space Observatory (ISO-SWS). The bulk of the observations wereperformed during a dedicated observation campaign after the liquidhelium depletion of the ISO satellite, the so-called post-heliumprogramme. This programme was aimed at extending the MK-classificationto the near-infrared. Therefore the programme covers a large range ofspectral types and luminosity classes. The 2.36 mu m-4.05 mu m region isa valuable spectral probe for both hot and cool stars. H I lines(Bracket, Pfund and Humphreys series), He I and He II lines, atomiclines and molecular lines (CO, H2O, NH, OH, SiO, HCN,C2H2, ...) are sensitive to temperature, gravityand/or the nature of the outer layers of the stellar atmosphere(outflows, hot circumstellar discs, etc.). Another objective of theprogramme was to construct a homogeneous dataset of near-infraredstellar spectra that can be used for population synthesis studies ofgalaxies. At near-infrared wavelengths these objects emit the integratedlight of all stars in the system. In this paper we present the datasetof post-helium spectra completed with observations obtained during thenominal operations of the ISO-SWS. We discuss the calibration of the SWSdata obtained after the liquid helium boil-off and the data reduction.We also give a first qualitative overview of how the spectral featuresin this wavelength range change with spectral type. The dataset isscrutinised in two papers on the quantitative classification ofnear-infrared spectra of early-type stars ({Lenorzer} et al.\cite{lenorzer:2002a}) and late-type stars (Vandenbussche et al., inprep). Based on observations with ISO, an ESA project with instrumentsfunded by ESA Members States (especially the PI countries France,Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom) and with theparticipation of ISAS and NASA. The full atlas is available inelectronic form at www.edpsciences.org Table 1 is only available inelectronic form at the CDS via anonymous ftp to cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr( or viahttp://cdsweb.u-strasbg.fr/cgi-bin/qcat?/A+A/390/1033

On the Variability of Early K Stars
We investigate the Hipparcos Satellite photometry of K0-K4 stars tostudy their pattern of activity. Most are not particularly variable. Afew stars for which further study is desirable are identified.

The 74th Special Name-list of Variable Stars
We present the Name-list introducing GCVS names for 3153 variable starsdiscovered by the Hipparcos mission.

Spectral classification of the cool components of symbiotic stars
We have made near infrared spectroscopic observations of 10 symbioticand 27 K-M comparison stars. For stars later than M3, we found the banddepth of the triple-headed TiO absorption band to be sensitive totemperature and insensitive to gravity. We fitted the spectral type tothe band depth with a standard error of 0.22 of a subtype and derivedthe spectral types for 6 symbiotic stars. We measured the EW of a largenumber of lines including the CaII lines (very sensitive to luminosity),the FeI and TiO lines (moderately sensitive) and the NaI lines (notsensitive). The EW of these lines vary with the spectral type,particularly for stars later than M3, both spectral type and luminosityeffects must be considered. We give the luminosity classes for 10 of thebrighter symbiotic stars, they are all giant stars, showing no featuresof bright giants or supergiants.

Spectral and luminosity classification for the cool components in symbiotic stars
The near infrared spectra of 12 S-type symbiotic stars and 78 comparisonstars have been observed with moderate dispersion in five runs from 1992to 1997, the resolving power being R= (lambda )/(Delta lambda )>2000,with a signal to noise ratio S/N>100. The triple-headed absorptionband of TiO (lambda lambda 8432, 8422 and 8452 Ä) emerges when astar is later than M2, and the depth of the TiO absorption band is verysensitive to the spectral type (ST) and insensitive to the luminosityclass of the star. We fit a curve of spectral type against the index ofthe absorption depth of this band with a standard deviation sigma =0.37of a subdivision of one spectral type. The IR CaII triplet (lambdalambda 8498, 8542, 8662 Ä ), Fe I 8689 Ä, and Fe I 8675 Äare good luminosity indicators although the equivalent widths (EWs) ofthese lines clearly decrease for a star later than M3. When the star isa supergiant, the lines have a smaller central residual intensity andbroader wings than in the case of a normal giant. The Ca II 8662 Ä/Fe I 8675 Ä and Fe I 8689 Ä /Fe I 8675 Ä ratios are alsogood luminosity indicators for K-type giants. The latter is particularlyuseful when there are abundance anomalies. The metal-poor symbiotic starAG Dra is classified as a Ib or II giant, as is TX CVn, on the basis ofFe I 8689 Ä /Fe I 8675 Ä. 9 other symbiotic stars containingM-type cool components are classified as giants by direct comparison andquantitative analysis. Due to there being no known good ratio indicatorof luminosity for M-type stars in the band studied and because there isno metal abundance data for the symbiotic stars studied by us except forAG Dra, the results for these 9 symbiotic stars are only preliminary.The infrared Ca II triplet of most symbiotic stars clearly variesbetween the different observing runs. The different luminosity classesgiven to the same symbiotic star are probably caused by the variabilityof the lines of ionized elements, while in some cases they are affectedby a low metal abundance.

Silicate and hydrocarbon emission from Galactic M supergiants
Following our discovery of unidentified infrared (UIR) band emission ina number of M supergiants in h and chi Per, we have obtained 10-μmspectra of a sample of 60 galactic M supergiants. Only three newsources, V1749 Cyg, UW Aql and IRC+40 427, appear to show the UIR bands;the others show the expected silicate emission or a featurelesscontinuum. The occurrence of UIR-band emission in M supergiants istherefore much higher in the h and chi Per cluster than in the Galaxy asa whole. Possible explanations for the origin and distribution of UIRbands in oxygen-rich supergiants are discussed. We use our spectra toderive mass-loss rates ranging from 10^-8 to 10^-4 M_solar yr^-1 for thenew sample, based on the power emitted in the silicate feature. Therelationship between mass-loss rate and luminosity for M supergiants isdiscussed, and correlations are explored between their mid-infraredemission properties.

Classification and Identification of IRAS Sources with Low-Resolution Spectra
IRAS low-resolution spectra were extracted for 11,224 IRAS sources.These spectra were classified into astrophysical classes, based on thepresence of emission and absorption features and on the shape of thecontinuum. Counterparts of these IRAS sources in existing optical andinfrared catalogs are identified, and their optical spectral types arelisted if they are known. The correlations between thephotospheric/optical and circumstellar/infrared classification arediscussed.

Accurate Two-dimensional Classification of Stellar Spectra with Artificial Neural Networks
We present a solution to the long-standing problem of automaticallyclassifying stellar spectra of all temperature and luminosity classeswith the accuracy shown by expert human classifiers. We use the 15Angstroms resolution near-infrared spectral classification systemdescribed by Torres-Dodgen & Weaver in 1993. Using the spectrum withno manual intervention except wavelength registration, artificial neuralnetworks (ANNs) can classify these spectra with Morgan-Keenan types withan accuracy comparable to that obtained by human experts using 2Angstroms resolution blue spectra, which is about 0.5 types (subclasses)in temperature and about 0.25 classes in luminosity. Accuratetemperature classification requires a hierarchy of ANNs, whileluminosity classification is most successful with a single ANN. Wepropose an architecture for a fully automatic classification system.

Detection of red supergiant stars on the colour-colour diagrams in the system UBVRI.
Not Available

Spectra of late type stars from 4800 to 9000A.
We present optical spectra of 21 stars from 4800 to 8920A, coveringessentially the late spectral types, G, K, M and the luminosity classesI and III. Half of the stars are super metal rich (SMR) ones. Thespectra were obtained at a resolution of 1.25A using the Aureliespectrograph, equipped with a linear array CCD-like detector, attachedto the OHP 1.52m telescope. Also presented are the spectra of 7 stars,covering the region 5000-9783A at a resolution of 8.5A, observed at theCFHT with the Herzberg spectrograph. The spectral types are F, G, K, Mand the luminosity classes III and V. Five stars are SMR. These spectrahave been obtained with the aim of extending existing libraries used forpopulation synthesis purposes. The inclusion of SMR stars in a stellarlibrary dedicated to the study of stellar populations in the centralpart of galaxies is crucial as abundance gradients have been observed inthe optical range.

H-alpha measurements for cool giants
The H-alpha line in a cool star is usually an indication of theconditions in its chromosphere. I have collected H-alpha spectra of manynorthern G-M stars, which show how the strength and shape of the H-alphaline change with spectral type. These observations detect surprisinglittle variation in absoption-line depth (Rc approximately0.23 +/- 0.08), linewidth (FWHD approximately 1.44 +/- 0.22 A), orequivalent width (EW approximately 1.12 +/- 0.17 A) among G5-M5 IIIgiants. Lines in the more luminous stars tend to be broader and strongerby 30%-40% than in the Class III giants, while the H-alpha absorptiontends to weaken among the cooler M giants. Velocities of H-alpha andnearby photospheric lines are the same to within 1.4 +/- 4.4 km/s forthe whole group. To interpret these observations, I have calculatedH-alpha profiles, Ly-alpha strengths, and (C II) strengths for a seriesof model chromospheres representing a cool giant star like alpha Tau.Results are sensitive to the mass of the chromosphere, to chromospherictemperature, to clumping of the gas, and to the assumed physics of lineformation. The ubiquitous nature of H-alpha in cool giants and the greatdepth of observed lines argue that chromospheres of giants cover theirstellar disks uniformly and are homogeneous on a large scale. This isquite different from conditions on a small scale: To obtain a highenough electron density with the theoretical models, both to explain theexitation of hydrogen and possibly also to give the observed C IImultiplet ratios, the gas is probably clumped. The 6540-6580 A spectraof 240 stars are plotted in an Appendix, which identifies the date ofobservation and marks positions of strong telluric lines on eachspectrum. I assess the effects of telluric lines and estimates that thestrength of scattered light is approximately 5% of the continuum inthese spectra. I give the measurements of H-alpha as well as equivalentwidths of two prominent photospheric lines, Fe I lambda 6546 and Ca Ilambda 6572, which strengthen with advancing spectral type.

Vitesses radiales. Catalogue WEB: Wilson Evans Batten. Subtittle: Radial velocities: The Wilson-Evans-Batten catalogue.
We give a common version of the two catalogues of Mean Radial Velocitiesby Wilson (1963) and Evans (1978) to which we have added the catalogueof spectroscopic binary systems (Batten et al. 1989). For each star,when possible, we give: 1) an acronym to enter SIMBAD (Set ofIdentifications Measurements and Bibliography for Astronomical Data) ofthe CDS (Centre de Donnees Astronomiques de Strasbourg). 2) the numberHIC of the HIPPARCOS catalogue (Turon 1992). 3) the CCDM number(Catalogue des Composantes des etoiles Doubles et Multiples) byDommanget & Nys (1994). For the cluster stars, a precise study hasbeen done, on the identificator numbers. Numerous remarks point out theproblems we have had to deal with.

Radio continuum emission from stars: a catalogue update.
An updated version of my catalogue of radio stars is presented. Somestatistics and availability are discussed.

An atlas of southern MK standards from 5800 to 10200 A
An atlas of stellar spectra covering the wavelength range from 5800 to10,200 A is presented of 126 southern MK standard stars, covering theluminosity classes I, III, and V. Some peculiar stars are included forcomparison purposes. The spectra were obtained at a resolution of 4.3 Aper pixel using a Cassegrain-mounted Boller and Chivens spectrographequipped with a Reticon detector. The quality and utility of the dataare discussed and examples of the spectra are presented. The atlas isavailable in digital format through the NSSDC.

Radio emission from stars: A survey at 250 GHz
We have used the IRAM 30 m-telescope together with the Max PlanckInstitute for Radio Astronomy (MPIfR) bolometer to survey nearly 270stars of different types for 250 GHz continuum emission. We comparethese data with their low frequency (cm-range) properties. Early typestars show very often a deviation from the uniformly expanding windmodel which we tentatively attribute to temperature and/or densityfluctuations in their deeper atmospheric layers. For WR stars thisdeviation seems to depend on the effective temperature. Pre-mainsequence stars usually seem to be surrounded by a shell of warm dustmaking a substantial contribution to the 250 GHz flux density value. Wehave found especially for nearby giants and supergiants that a layer atthe transition from photosphere to chromosphere emits ample 250 GHzradiation. We show that the present data can still be explained by asimple uniformly illuminated disk model with the known stellar radius.Optically variable stars are not very strong emitters at 250 GHz. Wepreferentially detected the more exotic ones, a few Beta Lyr-type andsymbiotic stars. Comments on many individual objects are given in theappropriate sections.

Groups of stars with common motion in the Galaxy - Groups of red supergiants of the luminosity classes I and II
Not Available

Mass-losing M supergiants in the solar neighborhood
A list of the 21 mass-losing red supergiants (20 M type, one G type; Lgreater than 100,000 solar luminosities) within 2.5 kpc of the sun iscompiled. These supergiants are highly evolved descendants ofmain-sequence stars with initial masses larger than 20 solar masses. Thesurface density is between about 1 and 2/sq kpc. As found previously,these stars are much less concentrated toward the Galactic center thanW-R stars, which are also highly evolved massive stars. Although withconsiderable uncertainty, it is estimated that the mass return by the Msupergiants is somewhere between 0.00001 and 0.00003 solar mass/sq kpcyr. In the hemisphere facing the Galactic center there is much less massloss from M supergiants than from W-R stars, but, in the anticenterdirection, the M supergiants return more mass than do the W-R stars. Theduration of the M supergiant phase appears to be between 200,000 and400,000 yr. During this phase, a star of initially at least 20 solarmasses returns perhaps 3-10 solar masses into the interstellar medium.

Einstein Observatory magnitude-limited X-ray survey of late-type giant and supergiant stars
Results are presented of an extensive X-ray survey of 380 giant andsupergiant stars of spectral types from F to M, carried out with theEinstein Observatory. It was found that the observed F giants orsubgiants (slightly evolved stars with a mass M less than about 2 solarmasses) are X-ray emitters at the same level of main-sequence stars ofsimilar spectral type. The G giants show a range of emissions more than3 orders of magnitude wide; some single G giants exist with X-rayluminosities comparable to RS CVn systems, while some nearby large Ggiants have upper limits on the X-ray emission below typical solarvalues. The K giants have an observed X-ray emission level significantlylower than F and F giants. None of the 29 M giants were detected, exceptfor one spectroscopic binary.

A list of MK standard stars
Not Available

Supergiants and the Galactic metallicity gradient. II - Spectroscopic abundances for 64 distant F- to M-type supergiants
The metallicity gradient in the Galactic disk from in situ stars withvisual magnitude ranging from 6 to 10 is analyzed. Atmosphericparameters and detailed chemical abundances for 64 Population Isupergiants of spectral types F through M and luminosity classes Iathrough II have been determined. The derived Fe/H ratios ranging from-0.5 to + 0.7 show a mean value of +0.13 with an estimated uncertaintyof + or - 0.2. A subset of 25 supergiants fainter than 7th magnitudelying in the direction of the Galactic center shows a Fe/H mean of +0.18+ or - 0.04, while a similar sample of 15 faint supergiants lying in thedirection of the Galactic anticenter shows a lower Fe/H mean of +0.07 +or - 0.06. For a sample of bright supergiants analyzed by Luck andLambert (1985), the mean abundance pattern for all 64 stars showed thefollowing: deficient C and O along with enhancement of N, indicatingmixing of CNO-cycled material to the stellar surfaces; an apparent Srenhancement attributed to departures from LTE; and an essentially solarpattern of other chemical elements.

The Perkins catalog of revised MK types for the cooler stars
A catalog is presented listing the spectral types of the G, K, M, and Sstars that have been classified at the Perkins Observatory in therevised MK system. Extensive comparisons have been made to ensureconsistency between the MK spectral types of stars in the Northern andSouthern Hemispheres. Different classification spectrograms have beengradually improved in spite of some inherent limitations. In thecatalog, the full subclasses used are the following: G0, G5, G8, K0, K1,K2, K3, K4, K5, M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, and M8. Theirregularities are the price paid for keeping the general scheme of theoriginal Henry Draper classification.

Energy Distribution in the Stellar Spectra of Different Spectral Types and Luminosities - Part Five - Normal Stars
Not Available

UBV Photoelectric Photometry Catalogue (1986). III Errors and Problems on DM and HD Stars
Not Available

IRAS catalogues and atlases - Atlas of low-resolution spectra
Plots of all 5425 spectra in the IRAS catalogue of low-resolutionspectra are presented. The catalogue contains the average spectra ofmost IRAS poiont sources with 12 micron flux densities above 10 Jy.

The MK classification and its calibration
The system of spectral classification is described as it has developedfrom the original Yerkes Atlas (Morgan, Keenan, Kelman 1943) untiltoday. The word 'developed' is used because any system that is to remainuseful must be flexible enough to adapt not only to improved techniquesof measurement but also to new theoretical insights into the variablesthat actually determine the energy spectrum of a star in all itsfascinating but sometimes frustrating detail. The discussion does notconsider the criteria of classification but is confined to the resultingset of temperature types and luminosity classes. Chemical composition isexamined as a third variable. Tabulated and plotted informationincludes: MK temperature subclasses; lists of MK types of fainter stars;published calibrations of luminosity classes for early-type stars;calibration of MK luminosity classes for types later than F8; thedistribution among groups of the 426 stars in the author's current listof best types; and the effects of metal deficiencies on spectra of KOIII stars. The revised MK classification can be applied to all but a fewpercent of the stars later in type than GO. For the two-thirds of thesethat have approximately solar composition no abundance index is needed;for most of the remainder one abundance index suffices.

New UBVRI photometry for 900 supergiants
A description is presented of the results obtained in connection with asystematic program of supergiant photometry on the Johnson UBVRI system.During the eight years after the start of the program, almost 1000 starshave been observed, about 400 three or more times each. The originalselection of stars used the spectral type catalog of Jaschek et al.(1964) to choose supergiants. Since observations were possible from bothChile and Canada, no declination limits were imposed, and no particularselection criteria were imposed other than to eliminate carbon stars.These are so red as to require enormous extrapolations of thetransformation equations.

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Dades d'Observació i Astrometria

Ascensió Recta:19h39m25.40s
Magnitud Aparent:6.38
Distancia:704.225 parsecs
Moviment propi RA:-1.2
Moviment propi Dec:-7.5
B-T magnitude:9.029
V-T magnitude:6.609

Catàlegs i designacions:
Noms Propis   (Edit)
HD 1989HD 185622
TYCHO-2 2000TYC 1602-1582-1
USNO-A2.0USNO-A2 1050-14335247
BSC 1991HR 7475
HIPHIP 96688

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